My blog has a new home!!

I've found a new home for my blog and photos! I hope you'll pop over and take a look here Picsie Chick. The site is still in the building stages, with all of the same great pictures, and many new features to come. I'd love to know what you think of it. See you there! ~T~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This morning, the gift

This morning, the gift, originally uploaded by picsie.chick.

What a gift!

Morning. (ugh) Time for walking. The usual pretty flowers. (uplifting) Rushing stream. (energizing) Birdsong fills the air. (delightful)

And this.

Two days ago:
"What is it?"
"I don't know. Some kind of shed, I guess. The sun never shines on it, so I've never had a chance to take a photo of it"

This morning, the gift.

As if uttering the words can make it so. (is it not always the way to make it so?)

Beyond the flowers and stream and birds, it is here. In the light. Ready for the close up.

The well-lit mystery. The face revealed for my camera, open, engaging. And, yet, the meaning still obscured behind timbers, metal, concrete. So it is.

With sheds, I guess, as with with life.

Stories revealed in fits and starts. The curtains pulled aside for glimpses. And yet, more, always, than we ever expect. More than we can know.

And somehow, those stories that set us apart, also bind us together. In our shared, separate experience.

There is always a locked door. There is always a way in. Which side of it are you on?


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